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Quarter of U.S. Could Be in 'Extreme Heat Belt' by 2053, According to Climate Crisis Research
Study predicts 'extreme heat' for a quarter of the U.S. by 2053
Extreme heat will impact over 100 million by 2053, study says
Study predicts Chicago could feel like Texas with extreme heat
What Will Temperatures be in the US Heat belt in 2053?
An extreme heat belt will impact over 100 million Americans by 2053
An 'extreme heat belt' will impact over 100 million Americans in the next 30 years, study finds
An 'Extreme Heat-Belt' Will Impact 100 Million People By 2053
'Extreme heat belt' to impact 100 million people by 2053: Report
Study warns of ‘extreme heat belt’ in U.S., could affect parts of Ohio -
By 2053 there will be extreme heat belt in mid west, southern California | climate change
Vanuatu plans to run on 100% clean energy by 2030